We are ...


We are a international evangelic free Church in the "Lotsenviertel" (sea pilot district) of Cuxhaven.

As a Harbour Church, our heart beats for Jesus Christ and for all people from every nation.


We attach great importance to realistic sermons, modern music and good conversations in our bistro and in our cell groups.

We are part of the Evangelic Alliance Cuxhaven and cooperating actively with Christians worldwide and in our City.


Departure every Sunday at 10 o'clock / Deichstr. 34


We are looking forward to see you - You are VERY WELCOME :-)


Church life



Weekday Event Time
Every Thursday
Prayer- and Biblelesson with Pastor Benjamin Ackah 18:30 Uhr

Every Sunday

Service with Childhood-Service (HarbourKids) 10:00 Uhr

Every 1. Sunday

Service with Holy Communion 

10:00 Uhr

Every 2. Monday

Männerabend - Jeder ist Willkommen! 

19:45 Uhr

One Time per Month

Ladies Lounge

18:30 Uhr

Missions Ministry

Book advice from SCM Verlag